What is your pricing?
Graphic design services are normally charged using a standard hourly rate, which is determined by recording actual hours expended and multiplying this total by the standard hourly rate.
However, if you require an up-front estimate, then we will provide an estimate based on our understanding of the scope of the project and estimated man-hours required to complete the project. Since each project is different, the pricing will be determined after evaluating the scope and requirements of the project.
Website pricing estimates can be provided once we understand your requirements.
How long does it take to develop a new website?
A typical website can be developed within 1-3 days. Larger websites will take longer depending on the complexity of the website.
When brochures are designed, do you also handle the printing?
We use a couple of printing companies that produce high-quality results at very competitive prices, so unless you prefer to handle the printing yourself, we will take care of this for you. Cost is not marked up, so you will be charged the actual printing costs.
We have postcards that need to be designed. Will you take care of the mailing for us?
Yes. Once the design of the postcard is reviewed and approved, we simply need a spreadsheet from you containing the mailing list for the postcards. The printer that we use will take the postcards to the mailhouse who will address the postcards and mail them for you. You will be charged the actual cost of this process (no markup).
Note that the spreadsheet should contain the following information:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Company Name (if applicable)
- Street Address 1
- Street Address 2 (if applicable)
- City
- State
- Zip
- Country (if multiple countries are involved)
Please make sure the above information appears in individual cells in the spreadsheet. In other words, do NOT combine First name and Last name into a single cell. If you do not have the name separated into two separate fields, we can run a formula to split the name, but there will be an additional charge for this. The same applies to city, state, zip ... each of these needs to appear in a separate cell.
Any other questions?
If you have a question that does not appear on this page, simply go to the CONTACT US page and submit your questions. We will get back to you within 1-2 days.